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Latest QuestionsAuthor “spandana”
Spandana asked 4 years ago

Ramananda guruji is the best astrologer in CanadaHe is a world famous astrologer with fame and renown all over the globeyou can never go wrong with a consultation with Ramananda Guruji

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Spandana asked 9 years ago

 Is divorce the only remedy to solve the problems?  No, so we can still turn to marriage astrology which gives us remedies to stop a divorce.The nature of these planets is separative and may destroy a relationship. There are many reasons for divorce or separation. Astrology gives a very clear indication about divorce. According to astrological rule Sun, Mars, Saturn and Rahu, are the

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Spandana asked 9 years ago

A dosha is an affliction that is caused by a planet. Affliction means a malefic planet combined with a good planet. This affliction will have an everlasting effect on people leading to disruption in finances, setbacks in career, relationship issues, divorce, health-related ailments, and loss of reputation. Adhipathi means Lord. So Kendradhipathi means The Lords of Kenra or  Angular houses. And

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Spandana asked 9 years ago

Rooted in the Vedas, India’s ancient system of knowledge, Vedic astrology is based on the belief that the stars and planets have a powerful influence on our lives. According to Hindu teachings, life is meant for spiritual growth. This growth is, in part, facilitated by karma, the concept that every thought and action has a corresponding reaction.The Vedas say that a person’s karma is dir

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