What is Kendradhipati dosha?

Latest QuestionsWhat is Kendradhipati dosha?
Spandana asked 9 years ago
1 Answers
Bijoy answered 2 years ago

A dosha is an affliction that is caused by a planet. Affliction means a malefic planet combined with a good planet. This affliction will have an everlasting effect on people leading to disruption in finances, setbacks in career, relationship issues, divorce, health-related ailments, and loss of reputation. 
Adhipathi means Lord. So Kendradhipathi means The Lords of Kenra or  Angular houses. And for every ascendant Lords of four Kendra houses may be different, which we know that they – The kendras are ruled by benefic planets.
In Vedic Astrology, the kendras are 1, 4, 7 and 10 houses in a natal horoscope. These are supposed to be the houses of action and govern some of the major aspects of life. Kendradhipati dosha is the blemish of ownership of these kendras and works to negate the natural characteristic of the planet owning the house.
The Kendra houses 1, 4, 7, and 10 are having the lordship of mild planets or precisely speaking benefic planets, and then it gives a Kendradhipati Dosha.
Now, there is another technical side added to fix this dosha.
Is it applicable for all those who have benefics as their lord of Kendras?
No. Only Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius and Pisces ascendant is considered to have this dosha and again there are filters to this condition.
For Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius and Pisces ascendants, Mercury and Jupiter are the lords of Kendras. For Gemini Mercury is not a Kendradhipati dosha planet, because Mercury rules not only Kendra but also the 1st house, which is a Trikon house too. This is the same condition with Virgo ascendant.
Jupiter and Mercury are the natural benific planets and they loose there good energy or benific effect in ascendant of Gemini ,Virgo , Sagittarius , Pisces .
In Gemini ascendant – Jupiter rules over Sagittarius in 7th house and Pisces in 10th house.
Virgo ascendant – Jupiter rules over Sagittarius in 4th house and Pisces in 7th house .
Sagittarius ascendant – Mercury rules over 7th house of Gemini and 10th house of Virgo .
Pisces ascendant -Mercury rules over 4th house of Gemini and 7th house of Virgo .
So for Gemini and Virgo ascendant Jupiter is not benific if it is in Kendra house . 
and for Sagittarius and Pisces ascendant Mercury is not benific if it is in Kendra house.
This Dosha get activated in Mahadashas or antardasha.
Natural Benefics as lord of Kendras in a jamna kundali given inauspicious results – Jupiter and Venus get most blemish due to this dosha. This is a problem because the malefics somehow do not lose all of their maleficence, but a benefic losing its power is a total bummer for a janma kundali. It is like your trusted adviser or guardian angel suddenly lost his mind and isn’t of much help anymore. Even worse, the adviser now starts working against you in its dasha and antardasha. The problem with Jupiter and Venus is accentuated for Gemini and Virgo, and Aries respectively.
The bad results are felt during the dasha/bhukti of the planet in question. The effects that should be foretold are as per the natural characteristic of the planet as well as the characteristics obtained through the lordship of the houses in a horoscope.