Marriage Yogas in Kundali ?

Latest QuestionsMarriage Yogas in Kundali ?
Spandana asked 12 years ago

A man is hitched youthful notwithstanding when Jupiter is in the seventh house or aspected by a promising planet. The outcome is the same when Jupiter is magnified in the seventh house.
Marriage additionally happens soon when the seventh’s Lord house and the ascendant’s Lord are in adjoining houses.
A man is hitched soon if the seventh’s ruler house or the ascendant’s master is in relationship with or aspected by propitious planets.
On the off chance that Moon is lifted up in a lady’s kundali, chances there will an immense age contrast between the lady and her spouse.
On the off chance that the ascendant’s ruler is solid and in the second house, marriage will occur soon. Such a man will have an upbeat hitched life.
A man’s marriage is deferred if the seventh’s ruler house is retrograde and Mars is in the 6th house. The wedded life might likewise confront a few issues when the seventh’s ruler house is retrograde.
In the event that Moon is distant from everyone else in the seventh house and is all around aspected by propitious planets, a man’s life accomplice is excellent and there are relatively few inconveniences in wedded life.
A man’s marriage is deferred when the seventh’s master house is in the 6th, eighth, twelfth, ascendant or seventh house.
A man’s marriage is deferred when ascendant, seventh house, the ascendant’s master are moving. The outcome is the same with the vicinity of a moving Moon.
A man is hitched following 30 years old when Saturn and Venus are in the fourth house from the ascendant. The outcome is the same when Moon is in the 6th, eighth or twelfth house.
A man is hitched between the age of 28 to 30 when Rahu and Venus are in the first house. The outcome is the same when Mars is in the seventh house.
In the event that Venus is in Cancer, Scorpio or Capricorn sign and Moon is with Saturn in the to begin with, second, seventh or eleventh house, marriage gets deferred.
On the off chance that the seventh’s Lord house is feeble and Saturn is with Mars in to start with, second, seventh or eleventh house, marriage gets postponed.
A man gets hitched at a youthful age if Mars and Venus are in the fifth or seventh house and aspected by Jupiter.
The seventh’s house, the seventh ruler house and Venus are broke down for marriage. On the off chance that all these are favorable, marriage happens soon and the individual carries on with an upbeat wedded life.
At the point when the eighth’s master house is in the fifth house, marriage is postponed. This affiliation additionally brings numerous impediments.
Marriage is additionally deferred when Sun and Moon are aspected by Saturn. The outcome is the same when Sun or Moon is the seventh’s master house or put in the seventh house.
A man gets hitched at a youthful age if Venus is in the inside and Saturn is in the seventh house from Venus.
The season of marriage in these yogas relies on upon the planets’ position. In the event that the seventh’s ruler house is lifted up, solid, aspected by favorable planets and not aspected by any malefic planets, the season of marriage may change.

1 Answers
p. Sankith answered 4 years ago
