What evidence is there that Astrology works?

Latest QuestionsWhat evidence is there that Astrology works?
Spandana asked 9 years ago
1 Answers
Madirakshi answered 3 years ago

Rooted in the Vedas, India’s ancient system of knowledge, Vedic astrology is based on the belief that the stars and planets have a powerful influence on our lives. 
According to Hindu teachings, life is meant for spiritual growth. This growth is, in part, facilitated by karma, the concept that every thought and action has a corresponding reaction.
The Vedas say that a person’s karma is directly related to the position of the planets and stars, and thus astrology is the method of understanding one’s karma by analyzing these positions.
Vedic astrology takes precession into account and therefore calculates horoscopes based on the updated ecliptic path. Western astrology, however, sticks to the old path, which is more symbolic as opposed to astronomically accurate.
Our future is determined by two things, according to the Vedas: destiny and free will
The Vedas recognize four goals of human life, dharma, artha, kama, and moksha.
The best astrologers are ones who have actually developed their skills over lifetimes. Even then, its practice is so nuanced and in-depth, complete mastery is near impossible. 
Beyond its technical aspects, Vedic astrology is ultimately a spiritual science, and therefore requires a certain level of intuition that is generally only present in those who maintain certain standards of spiritual practice. In order to read horoscopes and then give advice on how to best approach life’s obstacles from a spiritual perspective, an astrologer should be living a life in which a strong standard of spiritual discipline is maintained. 
In fact, the astrologers of ancient India were considered to be great sages who were honest, humble, magnanimous, detached, and treated all equally. Their main purpose was to help guide individuals on the path of spirituality. 
Though they are much harder to find these days, astrologers who maintain a similar standard of spiritual integrity still exist. 
Ancient astronomy and astrology were taken under the same branch of knowledge. But after the 17th century, the two concepts were separated with an important distinction.
Astrology and astronomy were once viewed as one, and it was only with the rejection of astrology that they were eventually divided in Western 17th century thought. Astronomy was seen as the foundation upon which astrology might function during the latter half of the mediaeval period. They have been considered wholly independent fields since the 18th century. Astronomy is a science that studies objects and phenomena that originate outside of the Earth’s atmosphere.
It is a widely studied academic discipline. While Astrology is a form of divination that uses the apparent positions of celestial objects to predict future events. It is a pseudoscience with no scientific validity, yet vast acceptance.
What Vedic astronomy said since 18th century is accepted true, but astrology sastra is considered as myth by some people.