Question Tag: astrology

Latest QuestionsTag: astrology
sritulasi asked 3 years ago

Astrology or Jyothish ShastraJyothish Shastra or astrology is the study of the movements and relative positions of celestial
bodies interpreted as having an influence on human affairs and the natural world.
Astrology itself is a mysterious, unknown subject to modern science. Some say nothing will
happen if we don’t follow astrology.Jyotish is rooted in the Ved

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admin asked 10 years ago

Here are a couple of tips to stay away from financial inconvenience later onIf your Mercury is bad,then you will have a considerable measure of issue sparing your accounts.In case you’re experiencing Rahu or Shani’s planetary travel then you should be exceptionally watchfulbecause you may fee more finance problems ever,If your primary planet (mukhya graha) is affected by View More…