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Latest QuestionsAuthor “sritulasi”
sritulasi asked 3 years ago

Meditation can be daILY TWICE

  1. Sit peacefully
  2. Maintain silence
  3. Focus on inner voice

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sritulasi asked 3 years ago

Astrology or Jyothish ShastraJyothish Shastra or astrology is the study of the movements and relative positions of celestial
bodies interpreted as having an influence on human affairs and the natural world.
Astrology itself is a mysterious, unknown subject to modern science. Some say nothing will
happen if we don’t follow astrology.Jyotish is rooted in the Ved

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sritulasi asked 3 years ago

The nakshatras are small constellations of stars that the moon travels through as it orbits Earth. In English, nakshatras are known as “lunar mansions.” Purva-bhadrapada is the 25th of 27 nakshatras.
Purva-bhadra natives are often religiously inclined. The features of Purva-bhadrapada a

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sritulasi asked 5 years ago

Inner strength – a resourceWhen we feel lost, discouraged, questionable, or simply diverted, we need inward quality – an asset that is important for managing the puzzles and obstacles we should face regular, and for living in a sure, exceptional, and intelligible way. we as of now do have more internal quality than we might suspect – we simply need to find it. We can likewise develop it, a

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