How could one keep his state of mind focussed?

Latest QuestionsHow could one keep his state of mind focussed?
Spandana asked 8 years ago
1 Answers
Ishan answered 2 years ago

Why every third person in this world is stressed or depressed? Why every single being finds it difficult to survive? The answer of such question remained unanswered. Reason being, because people feel lazy to opt for a healthy and active lifestyle. Each star sign is its own force of nature, so even though one particular tension-reliever might work wonders for someone else, that doesn’t necessarily mean it’ll be your cup of tea. Here, astrologers dish on the best ways to chill out, according to your zodiac sign. 

In case of concentration related problem. First, we need to know the main significators or ‘Karaka’ planets for Concentration. Those are Rahu, Ketu, Moon & Mercury. 
A malefic Ketu in your natal chart is responsible for immense negativity in your character. This planet causes hesitation, confusion or you will always want to appear confused to get others’ sympathies. It will completely dissolve your decision-making capability and make you dependant on others. If Ketu is good, you can become a psychic, but if it’s bad, it will lead you toward many mental disorders. 
When it comes to Rahu, things are bit different. A malefic Rahu in your chart can do a lot of reputational damage. You will start to become very shrewd, and you will make a hobby of cheating others. Eventually, one day you will cheat yourself and that will lead you to your downfall. 

Remedies for mentally not focused person

  1. Make the Lagan Lord strong by wearing gems or worshiping.
  2. Do worship of Lagan Lord and his/her related God.
  3. Wear Moon Yantra.
  4. Donate silver Elephant.
  5. Do worship of malefic planet.
  6. start wearing half silver and partly gold rings on the first finger on Thursday as it will bring stability to your thought process
  7. Regularly doing the tilak of sandalwood mixed with saffron and turmeric will also help you.
  8. Placement of the moon highly influences the condition of mind. If Rahu, Ketu and Saturn aspect Moon, or it is placed in 6th, 8th, or 12th house or is placed alone with no planets on either side, it will have malicious effect on mind and hence I would recommend you to chant ‘Om Chandraya Namah’.
  9. donate yogurt (Dahi) in temples on Wednesday
  10. Everyone is aware of Moon’s connection with Shiva and hence worshipping Lord Shiva and offering milk and water to Shivling will definitely bring you composure and stability.
  11. If you are losing your temper easily and keep feeling sad, meditate and try to concentrate on the child form of Shri Krishna it will help you calm your mind.
  12. Wearing an Ashwagandha root wrapped in a grey thread on Saturday will help you to calm you down.


Instead of getting anxious and fearful, instead of thinking negative thoughts and expecting the worst, choose to stay calm. Calm mind offers countless benefits, like, better concentration ability, Efficiency in handling your daily affairs of life, a sense of inner strength and power and more patience, tolerance and tact.
Meditation is not just a word that comes to mind randomly or loosely, there is a right method to practice it. While doing meditation, your mind has to be crystal clear, stable, relaxed, and inwardly focused.
It’s necessary to stay healthy mentally. May Lord Ganesh bless you with abundance of calmness and if you think your wavering mind is a serious issue, then I suggest you can surely visit an astrologer.