raaaam asked 10 years ago

is doshas will be? or not.

1 Answers
Swarnalatha answered 3 years ago

As per Vedic astrology, Sun, Moon and all the planets hold an important position in Hindu culture. We all accept that Sun, Moon, Stars and other planets exist. We do know that eclipse, conjuctions of planets take place now and then.The effects of Doshas depend on the combined position of Planets or Rahu or Ketu in a horoscope.

Everything around us effect our lifestyle, our perception, our mood etc. We are sometimes effected by people around us feeling positive or negitive vibes. Even sometimes colours, patterns, our daily used things like our bag, watch, waterbottle etc have an influence on our day. If this is happening, why can’t the huge big bodies outside our mother earth like sun, moon, stars, planets effect us. Planets and sun, moon are near to us and they influence a lot.

Suppose When a horoscope shows the conjunction of Sun-Moon, it causes Chandra Dosha. And the combination or conjunction of Rahu-Moon in the horoscope is known as Chandra Dosha. When the moon is forming a conjunction with Ketu and Rahu is inspecting the moon in the horoscope then it also creates Chandra Dosha.

We should remember that every dosha has effect on ones life. According to the Vedic Astrology, when Moon is ill-positioned in the horoscope it creates the Chandra Dosha and a person suffers from mental diseases, insomnia, and restlessness. Moon is the only natural satellite of earth and the largest among all other satellites in the solar system relative to the size of its planet.

Vedic Astrology talks about neutralizing the effect of Chandra Dosha which creates constant problems in one’s life. A person suffering from Chandra dosha should consult an astrologer to remove the bad or malefic effects of the moon through puja, Homam, yagna, mantra chanting, and offerings. An expert astrologer can show remedies to nullify the effects of any Dosha.