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Latest QuestionsAuthor “raaaam”
raaaam asked 11 years ago

AstrologyThe study of the positions and movements of the Sun, Moon, stars, planets affect people in their life. Astrology was believed to impact people’s behaviors and personalities on the basis of their birth dates. Astrology is an ancient pseudoscience. sun-sign astrology 

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raaaam asked 10 years ago

As per Vedic astrology, Sun, Moon and all the planets hold an important position in Hindu culture. We all accept that Sun, Moon, Stars and other planets exist. We do know that eclipse, conjuctions of planets take place now and then.The effects of Doshas depend on the combined position of Planets or

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raaaam asked 11 years ago

Vedic Astrology offers an in depth distinction evaluation of Western Astrology Vs Indian Vedic Astrology on numerous aspects. The roots of astrology flourished in India and won massive reputation at some point of the world. The in advance expression for Vedic astrology became simply “Jyotish Shastra (Jyotisam)”because of this that the technological know-how of the light. Vedic astro

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