Why is there poverty and suffering in the world when god is there ?

Latest QuestionsWhy is there poverty and suffering in the world when god is there ?
Jivathran asked 7 years ago
1 Answers
Manikandan answered 6 years ago

This everybody questions, according to they will get everything of their past karmas. I believe in it. Both Poverty and Cruelty are man-made, No one else has any part it.
Humans created an economic system, which now aids people with more money to earn more and the poor remain the same. Thus, Poverty.
Humans nurtured the desire for power, control, and wealth. Which demanded to have command over other humans by any means necessary, thus cruelty.
We did it to ourselves, God has no part it, and in my humble opinion, does not want a part in it. We created it, we have to step up and handle it ourselves, this is our problem not (any)God’s.
Fortunately, we do have God and man-made solutions for this.
Solution for Poverty -> Charity, Jobs, and a Fair Economy.
Solution for Cruelty -> Kindness, Love, and Respect.