Who is the best Telepathy expert in the world ?

Latest QuestionsWho is the best Telepathy expert in the world ?
Raghu asked 4 years ago

According to me its not possible by anyone but by my curiosity I am asking this question.

If you really know any Genuine Telepath please let me know.

4 Answers
Dr.K.Sriman Narayan answered 4 years ago

I am telling you by my personal experience that Ramananda Ji is the worlds best Telepathy expert.

I have managed to turn my life around after meeting Ramananda Guruji.

He is the best Telepathy and Manopravesha expert, astrologer, and Yoga and meditation expert.


I also did not believe at first that anyone can do Telepathy.

But Guruji had proved me wrong. I was speechless when I experienced it for the first time.

Guruji entered my mind and found out about all my problems and gave me the most effective remedies.

I have met many astrologers and Telepaths for my problems but no one was able to do what Ramananda Ji did.

After consulting Ramananda Ji I have gotten rid of all my problems and am a devotee now.

I recommend you to take consultation with Ramananda Ji and see for yourself.


Ramananda Ji’s Mobile number is 9000992685.


For more information you can visit this Website.


Kamala Nayak answered 4 years ago

This is Kamala Nayak new to this forum.
I have taken the consultation from Ramananda ji after finding out about Guruji here.
It was an incredible experience, I could not believe someone could give predictions and remedies this accurate and effective.
Now am absolutely out of my problems.
Thanks all of you who posted his information in this forum.

K.Jeevansh answered 2 years ago

Hello everyone,

I am Jeenvansh,

After searching for information here I have researched more about Ramananda Guruji.

I have also taken consultation and Guruji really is an amazing Astrologer and Telepath.

You can watch these video’s to see Guruji use his Telepathic powers and perform Manopravesham.




Ramesh Yadav answered 2 years ago

I am Ramesh.
I am sharing my experience in satsang….
I know about astrology. But Manopravesh, is very new to me. When I heard for the first time. I thought that people were saying about a fantacy thing. In general reading a persons mind, doing miracles I heard only in ramayana or Mahabharatha epics. I thought Manopravesh is impossible for a person now a days. It would require much focus, patience, Practice , more over i think its a Miracle!!!
Swamy Ramananda Guruji is the best. When he did Manopravesh for a person in satsang I could not believe my eyes. Guruji told about few names of a unknown persons relatives, shocked everyone in the sansang.
My Experience cant be explained in simple words. I can say Miracles happen. One should have a luck to expeirence and see.
Bow to Guruji. 