What is Kundalini Yoga and Chakras?

Latest QuestionsWhat is Kundalini Yoga and Chakras?
Adarsh asked 10 years ago
1 Answers
dinesh h answered 9 years ago

The Chakras specified in the Tantric writing are six in number. These are free units carrying on their relegated capacity. Each Chakra has Shakti controlling its own action. Notwithstanding these autonomous Shaktis of each Chakra there is an all inclusive Shakti which has the force of controlling all these Chakras said above. In the physical structure she is lying torpid and snaked up like a serpent in a person. At the point when this is stirred by Yoga hones, the individual additions for himself the force of performing marvels.
The lowermost Chakra, with which Kundalini frames an association and through which it has the capacity send driving forces, is the Basic plexus called the Mulddkdra Chakra. It has four branches (Dala) and the state of a triangle, or, in the expressions of the Garuda-Purana, the pudendum’s state pubis (Bhaga). This portrayal counts precisely with the depiction of the Pelvic plexus of the autonomic framework, arranged close to the rectum’s sides. It is a continuation of the hypogastria plexus which bifurcates underneath into two parallel parts to accept the state of a triangle; and by thought of this chakra the Yogi gets flexibility from malady, knows the past and the future and increases every single psychic force. It additionally frames associations with the Swadhisthana – the chakra which is arranged in the pelvic locale or Guhya-desha, just on a level with the penis’ base and is most likely the hypogastric plexus.
The Swadhisthana Chakra has six petals or branches. By examination of this, opportunity from death and malady is gotten. Higher up still, Kundalini frames herself into a plexus, which is known as the Kundali chakra or sunlight based plexus and its area is in the navel’s locale. Its immediate augmentation upwards is called Manipura chakra, which can be related to the plexus of the Coeliac hub. The vicinity is great to the point that no refinement is made between the Kundali and Manipura chakras. The Kundali Chakra is depicted to be of a red shading and to have ten branches. It is known as the Lotus of Happiness. By consideration of this chakra, a Yogi has the capacity go into the assortment of someone else; he gets the force of transmuting metals, of recuperating the debilitated, and of hyper vision. In the wake of going through these Chakras the Kundalini strengths its section through the Anahata Chakra and which has twelve branches and is situated in the Hridayadesha i.e. the heart’s district. A Tantra yogi has attained all these in his body