What is astrology and its significance

Latest QuestionsWhat is astrology and its significance
kavya asked 12 years ago

An Astrology is most popular system of prediction used extensively and widely all over the world from ancient times.
A practitioner of astrology is called an astrologer or an astrologist. Astrologers cast the horoscope of native, which is a diagram of the position of planets & signs of the zodiac at a particular time and place. It is a mirror in which an astrologer can see one’s past, present and future. Horoscope is like a snapshot of a particular place in time and space.
If that instant in time is the time of birth of an individual and the space is his birthplace, then that horoscope is called a natal horoscope or natal chart or birth chart. There are 12 houses in a horoscope from which an astrologer can predict about various areas of the life of an individual.
This horoscope enables the astrologer to know that it contains what type of promise and on the basis of this promise he can know easily that what the future has in store for the native. For the calculation of the timing of an event, which can be predicted on the basis of this promise the majority of astrologers use the knowledge of impact of major period/sub period and transit.

1 Answers
Achyuta Ram answered 3 years ago

“Whichever planet is the highest degree in the birth chart is considered to be the Atmakaraka planet.” There are a total of nine planets in the birth chart, out of which, apart from Rahu and Ketu, whichever planet has the highest degree, it is considered to be an Atmakaraka planet for that magazine.
atmakaraka = soul + karaka
Such a planet shows the soul of the person in the birth chart (Soul Representer) Such a planet is called the Atmakaraka planet.
Significance of Atmakaraka Planet in Astrology:
In astrology, any of the seven main planets can become an Atmakaraka planet. One who carries along with him the karma of some previous birth and also shows what desires the soul has in this birth. When a planet is formed by the soul of different planets, its details are different.

Through the Atmakaraka planet, what is the real value of our life, and what should be the real goal of life, with which field we can know all these things related to the Karma of our previous birth? Through this, we can know what is the role of the material and spiritual subjects in life.
Where your soul wants to go and where the other planets in your birth chart want to take you can be easily understood. In astrology, we understand what analysis can be done when different planets become atmakarka.
When the Sun becomes the Atma karaka planet in the birth chart, then the person desires success, self-importance, fame, and power as his soul points to this. For a good spiritual Yoga path, you must follow spiritual sadhana and behave with humility, and tolerance.
Emotions, happiness, love, and compassion affect the person the most when the Moon becomes Atmakaraka. Such a person should understand the unknown person well and should not trust anyone easily. Must be taught to differentiate between true and false feelings.
When Mars becomes Atmakaraka, there is an inclination towards aggression, passion, victory, and adventure. Nature is always aggressive. They should be saved from the maze of victory and defeat, they should work with patience, and should also avoid violence.
When the planet Mercury becomes Atmakaraka and is auspicious, then it gives intelligence and superiority to the person. They have to learn to face the truth in life.
When the planet Jupiter becomes Atmakaraka then the inclination of the soul can be towards the elements related to the Guru like children and spirituality.
When the planet Venus becomes Atmakaraka, then the person can be inclined toward sex, relationships, luxury, and sensuality. Such a person will have to be taught to control sexuality.
When the planet Saturn becomes Atmakaraka, there is an inclination toward duty, democracy, hard work, and life towards Shudra. Such a person should do the work of removing the sorrows of others.
In the analysis of Jaimini Jyotish Kundali, karkas have been given prominence. According to this, each planet indicates the occurrence of one or the other of the various agendas of life. It gives results according to the house in which the Karakansh planet is positioned in the horoscope.
Karkas has a very important place in Jaimini astrology. It is also possible to confirm the position of the planets and the fruits they get from the door of the karaka. Here these factors combine to form auspicious yogas. When the dasha of any good auspicious karaka comes in the horoscope of any person, then in that situation the person also gets positive results in his life. On the other hand, when the dasha of any inauspicious and bad karka starts in a person’s life, then there are more ups and downs in life.
In Jaimini astrology, Rahu and Ketu are not kept in the category of karkas. In Jaimini astrology, Sun, Moon, Mars, Mercury, Jupiter, Venus, and Saturn are placed in the category of Karak. All these seven planets represent one or the other factor in the horoscope. The factors are determined based on the degrees of the planets.
Any planet can become the karaka of any house and the nature and position of the karaka itself are responsible for any changes and fruits in the life of the person. The planet with the highest degree (ansh) becomes Atmakaraka, similarly, the other planets in the sequence become Amatyakaraka, Fratrikaraka, Matrikaraka, Putrakaraka, Gyantikaraka, and the planet with the lowest degree (Ansh) become Darakaraka.
If the degree of a planet turns out to be the same at this place, then based on the minutes in that situation, we will see which one should be placed first and which one later. In this way, it is possible to get results after knowing the Jaimini astrological factors.