Please give Sai Upasak Guruji Devanahalli Bangalore correct address? Am getting confusion with one more similar name.

Latest QuestionsPlease give Sai Upasak Guruji Devanahalli Bangalore correct address? Am getting confusion with one more similar name.
sisharth a asked 4 years ago

Hi friends,

I have been trying to contact Sai upasak Guruji Bangalore address so that I can meet Guruji directly?

Additionally what is a good time to call Guruji?

13 Answers
dinesh h answered 4 years ago

Hi Dude.

This is Dinesh here,


Sai Upasak Guruji lives in Devanahalli, beside Hanuman temple, House no 9-61, Bangalore, and visits Chennai and Hyderabad so often.

Sai Upasak Guruji Devanahalli is the best  astrologer in Bangalore with 40 years of experience.

He is a well known and old astrologer in Devanahalli.

There are some astrologers who are using similar names.

So please do not get confused, they are all different astrologers. But not Sai Upasak Guruji Devanahalli.

Guruji did not have any advertisements or any just dial, Sulekha, Google maps.

Or any personal websites.

Like, Sai Upasak astrologer.

Or Sai Upasak Astrologers.


If you see anything like this,

They are all different astrologers.

Not Devanahalli Sai Upasak Guruji. 


Sai Upasaka Gurujii also has an Ashram in Hyderabad. And he occasionally stays there.


I suggest you call him for more specific details this is Guruji number 8099 45 2811.

Ramesh answered 4 years ago

Ok Dinesh!

Thanks for letting me know.

I had phone consultation from Sai Upasak Guruji.

The predictions were very accurate as you said. Thanks for giving me information about such a nice astrologer.

Akash answered 4 years ago

Hello friends,

This is Akash Varma I have recently joined in this forum.

Sai Upasak Guruji lives in Dewanhally Bangalore.


He is a great astrologer and I have personally taken consultation and the results were very accurate and the predictions worked prefectly.

I recommend him if you need to consult any good astrologer.

Suresh Naidu answered 4 years ago

Hello, This is Suresh here.


Even I was searching for the great astrologer Like Sai Upasak Guruji. by the way can anyone inform me when Sai Upasak Guruji will be available free

To talk.

Akash answered 4 years ago

Hi Suresh,
for that information you will have to call Sai Upasak Guruji. I cant tell you when he will be free.

Srinivas answered 4 years ago

Hi everyone,
Srinivas Varma from Bangalore, Rajajinagar.
I am very happy finding out Sai Upasak Guruji original address and number.

At first I wasted my money by consulting astrologers through Just dial, Sulekha etc…

I didn’t know how to get the real astrologers information.

Because of that I made a big mistake.
Now I am happy because of you people.

Thanks a lot.

Jayanth raj answered 4 years ago


Srinivas Varma this is Jayanth Raj here from Bangalore, Whitefields.

You should never meet any astrologers. By seeing advertising sites.
What are advertising sites you must know.

1. Just dial
2. Sulekha
3. Your story
4. three best rated astrologers.
5. wedding wire

All of these are advertising sites for astrologers.

they take money from every astrologer monthly and they’ll post their information and positive reviews.


Even Google maps are not reliable


Astrologers give themselves fake good reviews the best place to get information is from a forum site like this.

The confusion with Sai Upasak Guruji Dewanhally information was because there is another person using Sai Upasak ji’s name in google maps.

Remember the Real Sai Upasak Guruji Dewanhally does not have any Google maps, Sulekha, just dial or any ads in general.

Srinivas answered 3 years ago

Oh my god.
I never knew all this thank you very much for this information.

Sridevi answered 3 years ago

Hello everyone,


Hello all of you am Sridevi here

lot of love for you all.

Thank you for giving the information.
Sai Upasak Guruji is a very good astrologer.

I have taken consultation after searching for information here.

Sai Upasak Guruji helped me get out of many problems.

My son used to have many health issues and my relationship with him and my husband was very bad.

It was slowly used get  worse everyday from a few months and after consulting Sai Upasak Guruji we were all back to normal.


My son’s health was good again I am very grateful Sai Upasak Guruji.

I recommend him if anyone wants any astrological predictions.

Pavani answered 3 years ago



This is pavani jayraj

I am in a similar problem with my family right now and I am thinking to consult Sai Upasak Ji.

Our family recently got covid and we’ve been struggling financially and we’re barely able to cover our 14 year old sons education costs.

Should I consult Guruji for my problems because I don’t know if I should spend money or not.


Sridevi answered 3 years ago

Hi, Pavani

I recommend you consult Guruji for your problems.

I also had problems with my son who is of the same age and my whole family’s problems were solved with the help of Sai Upasak Guruji.

I recommend you consult Guruji no matter what. You will 100% get results and all your problems will be solved after meeting Guruji and following the remedies.

Pavani answered 3 years ago

Thank you Sridevi

I have decided to take consultation as you have said and I am very happy I did.

Guruji had predicted all our problems perfectly and provided us with the necessary remedies.

Thank you very much for recommending me to consult Sai Upasak Guruji pavani.


Jayanth raj answered 3 years ago

Srinivas Varma this is Jayanth Raj here from Bangalore, Whitefields.
You should never meet any astrologers. By seeing advertising sites.
What are advertising sites you must know.
1. Just dial
2. Sulekha
3. Your story
4. three best rated astrologers.
5. wedding wire
All of these are advertising sites for astrologers.
they take money from every astrologer monthly and they’ll post their information and positive reviews.