Remedial Astrology – Kaal Sarp Yoga

Latest QuestionsRemedial Astrology – Kaal Sarp Yoga
suma asked 6 years ago
2 Answers
Ushasri answered 4 years ago

In Astrology there are Rahu 108 Astha Namavali to nullify the effects of Kaal Sarp Yog. Chant the following for 108 times per day 

Astroguru answered 4 years ago

It is advisable to consult good astrologer and analyse your horoscope. They will guide you perfectly to come out of your problems.With our an astrologer suggestion the remedies you do will we like the non prescribed medicines. They work or they may not. Till then you will get ill with problem. So consider to meet astrologer then follow remedies prescribed for you.