How mother’s can become Karmayogi’s upbringing children ?

Latest QuestionsHow mother’s can become Karmayogi’s upbringing children ?
kavya asked 10 years ago
1 Answers
Swarnalatha answered 3 years ago

A karmayogi works hard, both physically and mentally. He seeks to eliminate the ego and its attachments, to serve humanity without expecting rewards, and to see unity in diversity. Lord Krishna speaks highly of Janaka and other Raja Rishis who are realised souls but are also engaged in their duties as rulers. It is very likely that the common man is inspired to emulate their commitment to duty — discharging one’s duties for duty’s sake, never boasting of their admirable deeds. Motherhood confers upon a woman the responsibility of raising a child. She is a grateful woman who has strived hard in her life. She has always been a hardworking mother. She has never given up on anything in life no matter how hard it is. But mother never expects anything in return. She should never think of getting in return even in old age. If this happens it is said to be travelling in spiritual path of Hinduism.