Career Astrology – Why am not getting good job?

Latest QuestionsCareer Astrology – Why am not getting good job?
Malaswami asked 8 years ago
1 Answers
Yeshwanth answered 4 years ago

There are numerous individuals who concentrate well, yet experience serious difficulties a vocation. How about we begin with the nuts and bolts – there are 3 planets that should be sure keeping in mind the end goal to land a decent position. These are: Sun, Moon, and Mars. To make these positive, do the accompanying 3 cures said beneath. With the help of astrology an astrologer can be able to guess when you are going to get good jod. 
Solutions for getting job:
1. Begin adoring the Sun regular by first remaining before a rising Sun in the morning and after that doing “traatak” or at the end of the day taking a gander at the Sun in reverence and giving your regards rationally. After that you ought to do the mantra “Om khakolkaaya namah svaha” while holding a spoonful of mustard oil (in a spoon). Do this for 108x while ceaselessly taking a gander at the Sun. Once more, verify the Sun hasn’t totally ascended to abstain from harming your eyes while you take a gander at the Sun.
2. Continue something made of silver with you at all times.
3. Do the mantra “om kraam kreem krom sah bhomaaya namah” or wear the “anantmool” root in a red string around your neck.
Requirements for a Government Job:
– Astrologically, anything identified with contact/contractual business related to the administration or being specifically utilized by the administration falls under this order.
For an administration occupation, one needs the accompanying’s backing four planets the Sun, Moon, Jupiter, Mars and their positive impact on the tenth house in the conception graph.
To get advancement at an administration work, you have to frequently do solutions for make the Sun positive. This will guarantee that your advancement is not ruined because of a few deterrents, which typically defer or anticipate advancement in an administration work.
Solutions for land an administration position:
Give almonds once in a while on Sundays
Let a little measure of desserts made of jaggery and some jaggery into some streaming waterway.
Do the mantra “om ghrini suryaaye namaha”
Individuals who are as of now in an administration work, however are experiencing a few challenges ought to get a drinking fountain or hand-pump introduced at a place that would advantage others.
Individuals who face issues in getting advancements/in getting an agreement/issues in a decision ought to make some wooden coal from some dried wood and let it stream in some grimy waterway for 43 days. This will give one an open door get into the legislature or for individuals who are as of now in the administration, it will permit them to stay there.
Another great solution for individuals who’re confronting impediments in landing an administration position, is to begin offering sugarcane juice on a Shivling until one lands a job.
When one lands a position, commonly it turns out to be difficult to clutch that employment because of the formation of schemes by others. On the off chance that you are a casualty of this, wear a 7-8 ratti Firoza in a silver ring in your right hand’s ring finger on a Friday morning. On the off chance that this doesn’t assist, then with beginning fasting on Fridays and read the argala stotra paath 3 times each day. Then again, you can begin reflecting on the Devdutt chakra or begin the love of Shri yantra. This wil guarantee that any connivance against you won’t happen, gave that you are not doing anything incorrectly to anybody.
To get elevated at work and to dodge challenges at the working environment, begin revering Shani and Sun. You can do this with the mantra “om ghrini suryaaye namaha” or read the Aditya-hridya stotra, and as a last resort, then doing the Gayatri yag (homam) on Sundays will doubtlessly enhance your Sun. Furthermore, put some jaggery, dark lentils, and blue blossoms by the Peepal tree on Saturdays. These ought to guarantee that anybody harboring cynicism towards you will quiet down and there will be nobody to bring about obstructions in your advancement.
As per astrology Issues Faced by People of Each Astrological Sign in Their Jobs & Their Remedies:
Aries: If you confront issues at your working environment, then give some turmeric and rice particularly on a Thursday. Your principle issue at the working environment is because of you’re manager so attempt to change your demeanor towards you’re supervisor and discover approaches to keep up a decent remaining with you’re manager.
Taurus: Problems for you can happen because of your self image or determination. When you confront any issues, give some dark attire or a dark cover to somebody poor or to disease patients.
Gemini: Generally, these individuals don’t have numerous issues at the work environment. The main time they encounter issues it’s because of Shani or Rahu. As a cure, let some wooden coal stream into filthy water body for 41 days.
Growth: The most issues experienced by individuals of this sign are because of their companions who delude them or because of their subordinates not collaborating with them. At first, their seniors may like them a ton, yet because of the mediation of Shani and Rahu, circumstances emerge which make makes them not loved by the seniors any longer and now and then the issues even make them change their occupation.
Leo: Leos are extremely yearning to reach to the top which makes them change their mentality that thus makes them stuck in office governmental issues. As you are extremely enthusiastic, gifted, and able, you can achieve incredible statures, however you likewise need to recall to be tolerant in your conduct to stay away from issues.
Virgo: These individuals would prefer for the most part not to work for others for long. Their slant is to begin their own business sooner or later. Virgos ought to attempt to put in more endeavors at work and not be in a rush to return home. At whatever point there’s any issue, wear a triangular bit of copper around your neck.
Libra: Generally, Librans don’t confront numerous issues at work. Nonetheless, if their Sun is feeble, then it causes them to switch occupations as often as possible. Consequently, it’s vital for them to proceed with love the Sun for dependability in regards to their work.
Scorpio: These individuals regularly advance well and finish their work appropriately. They are steadfast laborers. The issue emerges when they’re not given a considerable measure of commendation for their work. For instance, a manager who not have administration qualities won’t adulate them because of their self image. Consequently, the Scorpion will think that its difficult to handle the conscience of such a man and won’t have the capacity to work legitimately for the supervisor.
Sagittarius: Sagittarians as a rule do their work at their employments well and don’t get into numerous battles/fights with others. Then again, they need to battle a considerable amount. In the event that their Jupiter is in a decent state, then they will without a doubt see accomplishment after the diligent work. In this way, it’s essential for them to make their Jupiter solid. For this, serenade the mantra “om overflow brahspataaye namaha” as much as you can.
Capricorn: Such individuals are normally great at their working environment as they are extremely dedicated to their work and thus, they likewise get numerous advancements at their working environment. On the other hand, if their Shani turns negative, then it causes issues at their work environment and they even begin looking at leaving their work when Shani-Rahu join together and make certain circumstances. As a cure, do a few gifts for Shani when you confront a few issues.
Aquarius: Although Aquarians get great accomplishment at their working environment because of their earnestness, they are not cheerful staying at a vocation. Since these individuals have their own particular exceptional method for working, they are not used to working in groups which causes issues. To beat any obstacles, chip away at enhancing your Moon.
Pisces: You give your work 100% in the beginning phase of your employment, however as you pine for a great deal of changes, you effectively get exhausted of what you do. As a cure, attempt to join something new in your work routinely to verify your enthusiasm for your work is kept up.