best genuine astrologer Vishakapatnam Andhrapradesh ?

Latest Questionsbest genuine astrologer Vishakapatnam Andhrapradesh ?
Dhruvan asked 8 years ago

Please, I need best genuine astrologer Vishakapatnam. Plus Nadi jyothishyam in Vizag. I want famous astrologer in Andhra Pradesh. Because I tried one palmist, who gave me the wrong prediction. And if anybody knows kiranmayee astrology. Tirupathi Then give me. Kiranmayee astrology contact number. And if you know someone other astrologers you can provide their details. But give me the best astrologer in Vishakapatnam.

Please, give me information about astrologers in Vizag. Because my relatives live there. So please, if you know. Astrologers near me give me their address. I think I have horoscope problems. That’s why I am facing issues in my life. So try to reply. If you know good astrologers in Vishakapatnam. 

I am willing to pay even a high price because of my situation. But if the astrologer he is not genuine. Then all my money will go to waste. So do not give me astrologer in Vishakapatnam who do not have a good experience. In their field. I am already in a terrible state. Financially if I don’t get my horoscope corrected. And at the same wasting the last bits of money. I have on astrologers without experience then I have to start a new business.

I don’t want to lose all my money and family. So please do not give me astrologer pandits. You have not met. Please give me astrologers. If you had met them and he said correct astrology. You might not know that the astrologer you want to advise me is terrible or inexperienced. Thanks for understanding my problems. But once again please don’t give me astrologers you have not met and got satisfied with their astrology because they might not be so genuine they might not give good prediction.

Thank you for understanding my problems.

5 Answers
Vandana answered 8 years ago

It is best you consult Sairam Shastry Garu
For astrology or Vasthu is perfect in both
His Cell number 08099810902 To my best knowledge, Sairam Shastry Garu best astrologer and vastu adviser in Vishakapatanam

Suryadeva Rao answered 8 years ago

I also reccomend sairam shastry ji
My husband and I consulted Sairam Shastry Garu for our son marriage matching. He gave us good predictions and suggestions as per my son horoscope.
We are very much satisfied with his predictions. I told him to my relatives and family friends. All of them are very much happy with forecasts.
So I suggest you, consult Sairam Shastry Garu for astrological advice.
Thank you

Manikyamba answered 8 years ago

Appanaboina Veeravaraprasad Siddhanti
you can contact him

Ramachandra Moorthy answered 7 years ago

GREAT ASTROLOGER, my very first natal chart reading with Sairam shastry ji. I honestly did not know what to expect, but I went in with an open mind.  I was utterly speechless and blown away by the things he said. He was right on point with everything.
Guruji is very detailed and made sure I felt very comfortable with the information given. Everything was simple to understand, and he answered all my questions.  I ever saw a link this astrologer readings, before I met many. All most 10 to 15 very famous named astrologers but Sairam Shastri, is best from everybody. This is my personal experience with him. If you have a problem in the life, you can meet him.

Harshith varma answered 3 years ago

Om sai
Hi to all,
I came to Gurujis aashram and I want to share few words about him.
The place where we can find solutions for problems, the problems that we dont know why they arise, the problems of our life which we cant handle, Swamy Ramanda guruji is one final destination for all solutions of our life.
I came to know that Guruji with predictions based on Vedic Astrology Birth Chart, all the remedies, appropriate solutions are provided to people across many countries since 2 decades.
In My case I am not able to understand why I am getting loss in my business. Since 2 years. I was cautious about sales, purchase, quotes, material, all other aspects. Every time something like fire accident, accounts problem, some unknown fact I got loss. This went on for 2 years and few months of 2019 also. After I came to guruji , I came to know that planets, and houses in my horoscope are the reason. He suggested remedies. Now I am recovering in my  business, family problems also came to an end. I am now stress relieved.
I searched in the internet and got the information.. is the First Astrology Website of India where in we can get answers to many of our questions that we ponder about when it comes to spirituality, astrology, mind, god etc. Guruji helps the people in this matter.
Thank you Guruji. Thanks a lot for every favour. I am very lucky enough to be a disciple of you. pranaam.