What is Karma?

Latest QuestionsWhat is Karma?
Spandana asked 9 years ago
1 Answers
Swarnalatha answered 2 years ago

KARMA in Sanskrit means an action, work, or deed, its effect or conisequences. Karma is a spiritual belief that is all about cause and effect. The thinking is that if you put good into the world, good comes back to you. It is believed that each action creates certain memory. It relates to all bad actions like injury, Injustice, malice, cheating, falsehood, fraud, gambit, malignancy, maltreatment, mischief, Betrayal, destroy, scam etc, and good actions like love, help, charity, donate, good conduct, respect, justice, honor, simplicity etc.
According to Karma Siddantham
What should someone do if we don’t like words said by others?
Don’t Listen, silence is best.
What should someone do if we don’t like “a person”?
Maintain distance, move away from him.
What should someone do if we don’t someones “relationship“?
Make an end to that relation.
This does not mean that we should be tolerant in every situation. Karma is a complex term on its own, can be easily misunderstood, that it is a term suitable for coward persons. For every mode of life, for every problems in our life, for every doubts, for every question in our life Bhagavad Geetha guides us to perfect path to eternity. 
It is said that Karma in ones life whether a person does good deeds or bad deeds it should get balanced, i.e. he should get on and accept all good days and bad days of his life. The problems that he is facing today are his sins he did in his past, and the good days he is going through are the fruits of good deeds he did in his past, or past life. If all these things get balanced then the person reaches eternity or “Moksham” -salvation. If a persons karma is not balanced, he is in the net of life, and takes birth as human or animal again and again till Karma gets balanced. And it is said that nobody can escape from Karma for sure.
God is watching you!!!